KUYI Wish List
Did you ever want to do something GOOD for the fun of it?
A great way to support KUYI-Hopi Radio is by donating physical items to help address actual needs of the station!
Enhance our operations by helping KUYI to obtain items on our Wish List. There are a number of things you can donate such as equipment, software, and furniture that would help us run smoother. This is a unique opportunity for supporters and listeners to contribute through an in-kind donation.
If you are interested in donating an item on our list, or something else you think we can use, please contact Samatha Honani, General Manager, at 928-738-5505 or samantha.honani[at]hopifoundation.org, or fill out the form below.
Tower Maintenance & Live Remote Vehicle:
Battery/solar power
Office Administration Equipment
Multi-line Telephone System
Small couch, waiting room chairs
Control Room & Production Studio Equipment:
Delay Equipment
Cough Button
Sennheiser & MicroTech Geffel Microphones
Microphone Pre-Amps
Microphone Pop Screens
"On-Air" Light
"Recording" Light
Turntable Needles
Best Buy gift cards
Zoom Portable Digital Recorders
Mic Cables
5 Sony MDR Headphones
Microphone Shock Mounts
Two-pair Studio Monitors
Apple Laptop
Apple Workstation
Traffic Software
Adobe Audition Software
SD Cards